Business TipsTechnology

How Artificial Intelligence Change the Business Model in 2023

The term Artificial Intelligence has become quite popular in recent times. These are basically computational codes that work like human intelligence to perform different tasks. Thousands of businesses, both small and big, automate different tasks that otherwise would involve human labor which is both costly and time-consuming.

A task that an average human being performs in an hour, AI can perform in seconds while giving the same efficiency. That’s precisely how AI is changing the way things are done in businesses.

This blog of ours will explore more about Artificial Intelligence and how it is changing the business. Let’s begin with…

What is Artificial Intelligence?

The term Artificial Intelligence refers to the ability of computer programs to understand, learn, and interpret things just like a human brain does. This terminology gained popularity after the explosive growth of one of OpenAI’s chatbot models ChatGPT.

Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT is a language model that functions on the basis of AI and NLP (which is a sub-branch of AI.) However, Artificial Intelligence is a much broader term than this. It is sometimes divided into two categories known as weak AI and strong AI. The weak AI is basically used to perform simpler tasks. On the other hand, strong AI is used to handle much more complex tasks.

Besides these categories, Artificial Intelligence has sub-branches. Some of the major ones include:

  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Deep Learning
  • Expert System
  • Robotics

Now that we have briefly discussed the true nature of Artificial Intelligence, let’s see how it is changing the businesses are done.

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Business:

Just like Artificial Intelligence, the term business is also broad. But its core meaning is simple. Selling services or products to other people and making a profit. What we are going to discuss is how AI is helping people in different factors that are included in this process.

Artificial Intelligence

So, here’s how AI is changing business:

1.      Content Generation:

The simplest and most basic way in which AI is changing business is content creation/generation. Now that most businesses have become digitalized, keeping a consistent online presence is required for gradual yet inevitable growth. One way to maintain this online presence is content marketing which is simply creating and sharing business-relevant content to the users.

Whether it is a blog or informational video, creating content manually takes time. AI software like ChatGPT and Google Bard are being used to automate some of the processes included such as writing scripts for videos. These days, some of the software are also helping people create digital videos and voiceovers.

2.      Data Storage Automation:

Another factor that businesses have to spend a lot of human labor and time on is data inputting and storage. Many companies used to hire data entry specialists just to enter and store data in their databases.

The same task is now being done with the help of Artificial Intelligence-based data entry software. A good example of this is an OCR device. This device is used to transfer data written in a digital image. This helps companies input data automatically into their systems without having to manually type it.

3.      Personalized Customer Service:

Customer service plays a great role in a business’s success. People expect to get the best customer service possible from the companies they buy products/services from. Taking care of customer’s queries can take a lot of time.

Especially when the support is personalized.

Artificial Intelligence

Personalized customer support can take a lot of time since each aspect has to be tailored according to each person’s requirements.

There are many AI-based software available that are helping businesses with personalized customer support.

4.      Simplifying the Audits:

A business’s performance has to be analyzed carefully and critically. That is because there are a lot of different factors involved in businesses such as budget and payments. Any error in these factors can lead to unpleasant consequences for a business.

Artificial Intelligence is changing the way businesses do their audits by automating and simplifying it.

There are many AI-based audit tools available for companies who are looking forward to automating their auditing procedures. One example of this software is MindBridge AI Auditor. These types of AI tools are efficient in analyzing complex data which makes auditing much easier and faster.

These are some of the basic ways through which AI has been helping businesses grow and simplify their functionalities.


Artificial Intelligence is computer programs that work similarly to actual human intelligence. AI is being widely used in many business areas to perform tasks efficiently. AI is a broad term and it covers many sub-branches.

Since this is a broad field, it is changing the way businesses are done in various ways. In the information given above, we have provided a detailed piece of note on the ways through which AI is changing business. From content generation to simplifying audits, AI is changing businesses worldwide.

Kazmi Eiswan

Kazmi is a passionate content writer and blogger. Being devoted to making a difference through publications, I have to chose blog as a career during his academic years. Compiling the knowledge of Information Technology, I m pursuing to present technological solutions through his writings.

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